Research Administration offices are located in Weiskotten Hall, the Institute of Human Performance and in the CNY Biotech Accelerator.
Researchers are also supported by the Research Foundation for SUNY Central Offices in Albany.
Office of the Vice President for Research
Under the direction of the Vice President for Research, the Department of Research Administration provides support and oversight for all aspects of the research enterprise at Upstate Medical University.

Research Development Office
The Research Development office identifies and disseminates funding opportunities for Upstate faculty, staff and students; coordinates complex and collaborative proposal submissions, instrumentation, center and core grants; and administers internal funding opportunities. The office also identifies funding trends and federal research priorities to position Upstate for continued success.

Syracuse NY 13210
Sponsored Programs
The Sponsored Programs Pre-Award office works collaboratively with research faculty, staff, and students in the grant proposal preparation and submission process. We assist with all non-scientific components of the grant application, including budget development, preparation of forms, editing, review – comparison with funding agency guidelines and requirements, and compliance with university and RF policies and procedures.
The team of experienced Research Administrators serve as the designated representatives with delegated signature authority on behalf of The Research Foundation for SUNY to sign, submit and negotiate extramural grant applications, agreements, and contracts.

Research Technology Core
The Research Technology Core, part of the IMT Customer Support team, assists researchers with technology and research data administration needs, including hardware troubleshooting, repair, and replacement; software troubleshooting and installation; REDCap administration, training and support; and research data planning and sharing.
Research Compliance
Assures that all research conducted at Upstate and/or by faculty of Upstate involving human subjects, laboratory animals, radiation, toxic and infectious agents, human tissues and recombinant DNA complies with governmental regulations and institutional policies.
Compliance Committees
- IRB Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects
- QAIP Quality Assessment & Improvement Program for Human Subjects Research
- RSC Radiation Safety Committee
- IBC Bio-Safety Committee

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Assures that all research conducted at Upstate and/or by faculty of Upstate involving laboratory animals complies with governmental regulations and institutional policies.

Research Integrity Office
Promotes and monitors the responsible conduct of research and accepts and assesses allegations of research misconduct and oversees inquiries and investigations of allegations that fall within the Upstate Research Misconduct Policy.

Export Controls
Export Control manages compliance to U.S. laws and regulations that regulate and restrict the release of critical technologies, information and services to foreign nationals both within and outside of the United States and foreign countries for reasons of foreign policy and national security.
Clinical Trials Office
Serves as point of contact for all information relating to clinical trials, and as a liaison between Principal Investigators and Study Sponsors, in negotiating contracts and budgets for clinical trials. Also, responsible for updating the Volunteers for Clinical Trials webpage.
Clinical Research Initiatives Office
The Clinical Research Initiatives Office serves as the first point of contact for clinical faculty interested in developing a research program or expanding their current research interests, including providing information on the clinical research infrastructure and on-campus centralized resources.

Quality Affairs Office
The Quality Affairs office provides expertise in the areas of GxP to Upstate faculty and departments, including in implementation of systems that are compliant to GCP and GLP regulations, training on GCP and GLP, assistance with external audits, navigating corrective and preventative actions (CAPA), helping with risk assessments and evaluating and helping with the implementation of GCP/GLP activities.
Strategic Research Initiatives Office
The Strategic Research Initiatives office seeks collaborative research opportunities and broader funding mechanisms to build up our partnerships on the Hill -- the Syracuse VA, SUNY ESF, and Syracuse University -- and nurtures new partnerships with the DOD, Gates Foundation, SUNY REACH, SUNY 2020, USAID and others. The office will coordinate complex funding submissions and provide assistance to Upstate faculty interested in developing new partnerships.
Innovation and Partnerships
Upstate Medical University's Office of Industry Research and Innovation includes the role of facilitating IP development and Technology Transfer while supporting Upstate's mission of improving the health of the communities it serves by facilitating the commercialization of healthcare and biomedical research innovations.
Dr. Christopher Neville leads the development, implementation, and management of Upstate-wide technology, business solutions, and programs to advance and track progress against new measures of SUNY's economic impact. Dr. Neville works closely with the offices and resources across the SUNY system to facilitate all intellectual property, commercialization, and business development operations across the enterprise.

CNY Biotech Accelerator
841 East Fayette St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
The CNY BAC Incubates and accelerates university-industry partnerships that discover, design, develop and deploy innovative products for bioscience marketplaces.

Post-Award & Research Accounting Office
The Post-Award & Research Accounting Office, led by Eric Smith, Sr. Vice President for Finance and Administration, serves the campus by assisting faculty and administrators in managing all sponsored and non-sponsored research accounts throughout every phase of the grant lifecycle, from account establishment to award close-out. The Post-Award & Research Accounting staff provide guidance on a variety of topics – allowable expenditures, balance inquiries, requested reports, and much more.
With years of experience and expertise in a wide range of subjects, Post Award provides a valuable resource to faculty and administrators. From the establishment of accounts to in-depth accounting support and much more, assistance is available through the entire lifecycle of a RF award.

Syracuse, NY 13214