Research Misconduct and Related Policies and Guidelines
Upstate Medical University has established a number of policies to guide faculty and staff in the responsible conduct of research. All policies are in Adobe Acrobat format .
- Research Misconduct Policy
This policy defines research misconduct and describes the procedures to be taken when an allegation of possible misconduct in research is received by the Research Integrity Officer or another institution official. This policy applies to all individuals at Upstate Medical University, including faculty, staff, students, fellows, and volunteers, as well as those affiliated with Upstate, who engage in research. Because most of Upstate's sponsored research is received from Public Health Service (PHS) agencies, the Upstate Research Misconduct Policy incorporates the Office of Research Integrity Research (ORI) Misconduct Policy, 42 CFR 93 into its broader definition of research misconduct. - Data Retention and Ownership Policy
This policy defines the terms of retention and ownership of research data created at Upstate Medical University by faculty, staff, students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting scientists utilizing Upstate facilities in the course of their scholarly activities and research. The policy states that all data generated from research activities at Upstate belong to Upstate. - Authorship and Manuscript Submission Guidelines
All Upstate faculty, staff, fellows, and students are encouraged to follow the guidelines established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Authorship and manuscript submission topics are also addressed by Upstate's Research Misconduct and Relations with the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Biotechnology Industries Policies listed above. - Policy on Conflict of Interest and Commitment
This policy defines and addresses the management of conflicts of interest that arise when faculty, staff, fellows, and students (and their immediate families) enter into relationships with pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotechnology industries or engage in industry-sponsored research. - Research Conflict of Interest Committee
The Research Conflict of Interest Committee assists faculty to address any real or perceived conflicts with industry and related research. The Research Conflict of Interest Committee Member Exclusion Policy permits a member of the committee to be excluded from participating in a meeting if, in the determination of the Committee Chair, that member has a substantial conflict of interest that is relevant to the person who is to appear before the Committee or to the subject matter intended for discussion by the committee. - Identification and Management of Research Conflict of Interest (RCOI Policy)
Upstate Medical University investigators must disclose their interests and those of Related Parties, which may affect their independent and objective performance of sponsored research. Financial Conflicts of Interest shall be subject to management plans, and compliance with such management plans shall be monitored. - Policy on Relations with Industry in Patient Care and Education
This Policy prohibits members of the Upstate community from receiving gifts, including meals and refreshments, from the health care industry. In addition, Section 73 of New York Public Officers Law prohibits the acceptance by state employees of gifts from vendors and/or those who seek to influence purchasing decisions, excepting refreshments provided to participants at bona fide professional and educational programs.