Debug (line 262 of RequestHandler.php): Testing 'element/$ID!' with '' on PageController

Debug (line 262 of RequestHandler.php): Testing 'widget/$ID!' with '' on PageController

Debug (line 262 of RequestHandler.php): Testing '$Action//$ID/$OtherID' with '' on PageController

Debug (line 270 of RequestHandler.php): Rule '$Action//$ID/$OtherID' matched to action 'handleAction' on PageController. Latest request params: array ( 'Action' => NULL, 'ID' => NULL, 'OtherID' => NULL, )

Debug (line 186 of RequestHandler.php): Action not set; using default action method name 'index'

CRA Day 2023 - Research
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CRA Day 2023

CRA Appreciation Day 2023

Our clinical trials wouldn't be successful without the help of so many amazing professionals! This year our Clinical Trials Office planned a CRA Appreciation Day to coincide with the Association of Research Clinical Professionals Clinical Trials Day.

What is a clinical research professional? We asked current and former CRAs, along with Upstate leadership to talk about their efforts.

Erinn Mcdowell- Cancer Center Clinical Trials Manager

Lena Deb- Neurobiology Clinical Research Associate

Colleen Dillenbeck- Geriatrics Clinical Trials Manager

Dave Amberg- VP for Research

Steven Gabriel- Cancer Center Clinical Billing Specialist

Thanks to all of Upstate's clinical research professionals for all the work you do!

Check out some photos from CRA Appreciation Day 2023 below!

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