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Material Transfer Agreements

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Material Transfer Agreements

Sponsored Programs facilitates the review and processing of the MTA on your behalf with the Research Foundation (RF). Review the Material Transfer Agreement SOP and Material Transfer Compliance Form

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)





a. A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a contract governing the transfer of a tangible material from a provider to a recipient. Examples of tangible materials are plant or microbial cultures, monoclonal antibodies, plasmids, nucleotides, proteins and chemicals. In addition to governing the transfer of materials, MTAs also cover ownership of the transferred materials and modifications and derivatives made by the recipient, limitations on use of the materials, confidentiality of information related to the materials, and rights to inventions and research results, and protect the providing scientist and institution from liability arising from the use of the transferred material.


b. Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement (UBMTA): The UBTMA allows signatory institutions to transfer materials to one another using a boilerplate Implementing Letter for the particular transfer. The Implementing Letter contains a description of the material and a statement indicating that the material is being transferred in accordance with the terms of the UMBTA.

The Research Foundation for SUNY has signed the UBMTA.



MTAs are executed and managed by the Upstate Sponsored Programs Office and the Research Foundation for SUNY (SUNY RF).


Investigators are not authorized to sign MTAs.



a. Complete the Material Transfer Agreement Compliance Checklist and e-mail all relevant information, forms, and correspondence applicable to the transaction to the Upstate Sponsored Programs Office.


b. Sponsored Programs will facilitate the review and execution of the MTA on your behalf with the Research Foundation’s (RF) Tech transfer office, as needed.


c. Contact information:


     i. Sponsored Programs: Jennifer Rudes (


     ii. IBC (bio-safety), IRB (human subjects), SCRO (stem cell) Questions: Jean DiCicco (


     iii. IACUC (animal) Questions: Dr. Quinn (


     iv. RF Technology Transfer: Nicholas Querques Phone: (518) 434-7183; E-mail:


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