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Microscopy Interest Group

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Microscopy Interest Group

The Upstate Microscopy Interest Group (MIG) was formed to highlight the talented microscopists and the sophisticated microscopy equipment available on campus and to serve as a central meeting place for the exchange of ideas. The MIG is open to all faculty and students who are interested in microscopy and how it could enhance their research programs. Our goal is to stimulate new research collaborations and directions and to inform the Upstate research community about the exciting and rapidly changing landscape of biological imaging.  


SUNY UpState PatholOgy REsearch Core (SUNY SPORE)

We are excited to announce that the SUNY SPORE is now fully operational and is ready to offer histology services in addition to Digital Pathology services as planned.

Our mission is to provide efficient, high-quality histology and digital pathology lab services to internal/external researchers and pharma/biotech companies.

Our vision is to create a dynamic research environment for multi-disciplinary researchers, clinicians, and pathologists, impacting patients' quality of life by supporting research projects and delivering high-quality research services.

Learn more about the services offered from SUNY SPORE here

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