This Week in Research
Home »June 19 - 25, 2023
Investigating mechanisms of Synaptic Resilience to Alzheimer's disease pathology in humans
Right Sizing SOPs
Research sites too often acquire a package of SOPs from a vendor, a partner, or an industry peer. While having SOPs in place is typically good, are your SOPs tailored to your institution? Do they align with your processes, staff, and setting? In this session we will discuss key methods in the process of identifying and developing required procedures and implementing to support fitness for purpose. We will also identify key activities to facilitate development and maintenance of quality SOPs and controlled documents.
*NYS SOCRA Chapter Program: Certificates of Attendance provided; 1 hour CE for SOCRA Members - All are welcome. Click here to register.
Uncovering a new phase: the interactions that mediate MBD2 and MBD3 LLPS
Thesis Defense Seminar. Click here for Webex. Meeting number: 2310 437 4790 Password: eHbdRhMN235
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